White Light Interferometer

Our White Light Interferometer GOBI® utilizes spectrally resolved interferometry to accurately measure the Group Delay Dispersion (GDD) of multi-layered ultrafast optics. Its unique spectral range covers from 250-1060 nm (UV/VIS/NIR version) to 900-2400 nm (IR version) and can measure mirrors and transparent samples under variable angles of incidence between 0 and 70 degrees.
Spectrally resolved detection makes other techniques available on the market, based on reference lasers together with any related test sample restrictions on specific reflection or transmission bands, obsolete. Data is acquired by scanning the delay of one arm and recording the evolving interference pattern spectrally. Fully automated analysis yields the spectral phase and GDD. The spectrometer directly provides spectrally resolved information, avoiding artefacts from time-domain reconstruction. This opens the full spectral range to characterize even ultra- broadband or advanced narrowband coatings.
The perfect tool to characterize your chirped mirrors.
Key Product Features
- Ultrabroad spectral coverage
- 400-1060 nm (VIS/NIR basic version)
- 250-1060 nm (UV/VIS/NIR version)
- 900-2400 nm (IR version)
- Direct spectrally dispersed measurement with a spectrometer
- No need for reference lasers, no requirements on specific reflectivity
- s and p polarization (separately)
- Angle of incidence: 0° and 5-70°
- Measurement of single mirrors or mirror pairs
- Laptop and user-friendly software interface included
- Footprint 45 x 45 cm²
[1] Optical attosecond pulses and tracking the nonlinear response of bound electrons
M. Hassan, T. Luu, A. Moulet, O. Razskazovskaya, P. Zhokhov, M. Garg, N. Karpowicz, A. Zheltikov, V. Pervak, F. Krausz, E. Goulielmakis
Nature 530, 66 (2016)
[2] Highly-dispersive mirrors reach new levels of dispersion
E. Fedulova, K. Fritsch, J. Brons, O. Pronin, T. Amotchkina, M. Trubetskov, F. Krausz, V. Pervak
Optics Express 23, 13788 (2015)
[3] Recent development and new ideas in the field of dispersive multilayer optics
V. Pervak
Applied Optics 50, C55 (2011)